Tuesday, 30 June 2015

a complete version of a simple ESP course design.

a complete version of a simple ESP course design

Title page

Table of content .................................................................................................................1
A. Introduction ...................................................................................................................3
B. Methodology..................................................................................................................4
C. Theoretical Review .........................................................................................................5
D. Discussion ......................................................................................................................6
E. Conclusion .....................................................................................................................7
F. References .....................................................................................................................8
G. Appendixes.....................................................................................................................9

Chosen Lesson Plan (2)
Assessment (1)
Instrument (Questionnaire/ Interview)

Lecturer: Mr. Hary Setyawan, S.pd., M.A

Muhammad Khilwin

Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta

Contents ..............................................................................................................................1
Thanks .................................................................................................................................2
A. Introduction .....................................................................................................................3
B. Methodology ...................................................................................................................4
C. Theoretical Review ...........................................................................................................5
D. Discussion .......................................................................................................................6
E. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................7
F. Appendixes ......................................................................................................................8

Firstly, I would like to thank to Mr. Hary as my lecturer of ESP course in Mercu Buana University for helping and supporting me to make this assignment. By his patient and help, I can complete this assignment. The following, I would like to thank to all my classmates; Mrs. Ani, Meike, Yayuk, Fika,Vendri, Shofi, Tari, Agnes, Albert  for the support and motivation which inspire me a lot.
Also my special thanks to my friends, all employees especially to ; Eka, Ana, Fahma, Kresna, Nur, Marlin, Martha, Danang, Mansur,  who had helped me in answering the questioner. They have the biggest part in this assignment done. And the last, I would like to thank to the company, C.V. Adhisyah Putra Rasa Abadi which had permitted their employees to have my questionnaires.

Yogyakarta, June23, 2014.

The special province in Indonesia, Yogyakarta, is very famous and well-known as tourism place which is as a magnetic for many domestic tourists even foreigners .Because Yogyakarta offers many kind of wonderful places and heritage culture such as Indrayanti beach, Monjali, Kraton, Malioboro and so on. Because of it, Yogyakarta is known as heaven city, a complete one. Therefore many entrepreneurs harness this golden opportunity to be their great business including the company where I work now, a fragrant company. The company has many branches in and outside of Yogyakarta. At Yogyakarta, it has five branches for reseller and one office for grocer. Besides many other competitors’ shops are established spread overall Yogyakarta, developing employees’ skills are needed especially for offering the products to foreigners. By this case, it will attract more visitors because the visitors come from all over the world.
But, the biggest matter that is faced by the companies is that their employees have to deal with English. Most of the employees are not able to speak English. Their education backgrounds are mostly from Senior High School. Therefore, they find difficulty to explain some procedures or some products in English.
Based on the facts, I would like create a book that will answer their need. It is a simple book, but I really believe that this book will help them to improve their ability to speak English. It contains particular topic related to tourism especially product marketing, trading, etc.

Methodology that I use to design this English for Specific Purpose course is by spreading questionnaires to the employees of Adisyah Putra Rasa Abadi Company. The first time I contacted some employees in the office for helping me in giving data on my questioners then the following afternoon I took them. For other employees, I came to the branches which is for retail one, I gave some questioners till I got ten questioner answered.  Those questioners helped me to do the following step.
From the problems that the employees face, about their motivation, their difficulties till methods in their learning style, then I make a design for the syllabus.

ESP is English for special purposes that are learned by some people whose first language is not English (Oxford). ESP students here, at Adisyah Putra Rasa Abadi Company, are different in age, knowledge or skills’ of English. They learn English to support their job in certain fields. For example English for Tourism, English for Business, etc.
The examples in English for Tourism are deal with trading, export, and import. Trading is the activity of buying and selling things (Oxford). Also, it deals with how to serve costumers well, offering product etc.
To make this module become perfect for the learners, I design the course by creating the syllabus, preparing the material based on some sources. I do the need analysis, adopted some methodology of teaching, and use some learning theories.
 The theories are taken from various references, such as:

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary,8th edition, Oxford University Press.

Teaching Methods, from http://teach.com/what/teachers-teach/teaching-methods

Learning Theories, from http://www.instructionaldesign.org/theories/

Learning theory (education), from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_theory_%28education%29

The Employees from Adisyah Putra Rasa Abadi Company really need English to support their work, because they have to face customers from other country (foreign people). They need English for conversation, including offering things till administration.
Most of them are interesting in this English course. Although, they are a quite different in age moreover abilities but by their motivation in joining this course, I hope it can be a source of power in learning process.
The company expects that the employees will have a good global communication for serving the customers who are from abroad. The conversation takes a part in the retail shops, but it is possible that will happen in office place, the grocer one.
Related to the schedule which the learners want, they want to have courses four times a week and 1-2 hours in a meeting but I consider again that they work in a shift, 8 hours. It is based on questioner number 8 and 9. Then, I decided to have twice meeting in a week for first level, one month. Those are on Saturday morning and Tuesday evening.. Considering that they have to work and others, in their free time, the best duration that they need around 60 minute for each meeting. Even though, the result is that mostly from 10 candidates/students want four times a week and around 1-2 for the duration but I analyze and consider from their working time that twice a week and 60 minute for the duration really suit with their time and need.
They really like vocabulary and want to develop their speaking skill. Therefore, most of the courses will deal with vocabulary and speaking course. Those are based on questioner number 6 and 7. Because they do not like much lecturing or tasks, So Much practicing, games and few lecturing are the suitable method for them. The Idiom or daily expression for the vocabulary course will cover about greeting, introduction and thanks, numeral and speaking course will cover how to sell, how to promote and offer. Those are based on questioner number 10 and 11.
About tasks which are given, they can do cooperatively, self-task or group task. It is based on questioner number 13.
From the discussion above, I can conclude that English for the employees of Adisyah Putra Rasa Abadi Company is a must. English is needed to support their job and also to give good appearance for the company. Good service from the workers will have great impact to the income of the company.

Especially Designed for Adisyah Putra Rasa Abadi Company

1. Course Identity
Course Name    : English for Tourism
Tutor                     : Muhammad Khilwin  
Telp. 085714106002, e-mail : ilwin.umby@gmail.com
2. Course Description
This course will help the learners to communicate fluently in the context of selling and buying some products between SPG/SPB and buyers from abroad in Adisyah Putra Rasa Abadi Company, Yogyakarta. It also helps the learners how to offer or promote new products. This course assists the learners to communicate people who are from other country smoothly.
3. Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the learners are expected to be able to:
1. About greeting, introduction and thanks.
2. About numeral
3. How to serve in selling.
4. How to promote and offer.
4. Course Plan
This course is designed for 8 meetings excluding the final practice. Each meeting is around 60 minutes. Each unit is discussed in two meeting, and every meeting practice will be held.
5. Instructional Strategies
Lecturing, Memorizing, Practicing, Individual Task/Group Task, etc.

6. Teaching Media and Equipment
Handbook, worksheets, a whiteboard, a board marker.
7. Evaluation and Grading
Students’ learning achievement will be assessed by considering the following components and their contribution to the overall grade

Class participation
Individual Task
Group Task
Final Test


The grading system

Table scoring for final test (practicing)
40 point
Confident, Correct pronunciation, and fluent
30 point
Confident, Correct pronunciation, but not fluent
20 point
Confident, many mispronounced words, and not fluent
10 point
Nervous, many mispronounced words, and not fluent

8. References

Introducing and Greeting People from https://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/vocabulary/people

↑ Material Masters from http://nzmaths.co.nz/material-masters

↑ Ten ways to promote a new offer from http://www.marketingdonut.co.uk/marketing/marketing-strategy/promotion-strategy/ten-ways-to-promote-a-new-offer

Modul Speaking 1, English Dept Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Mercubuana University, Yogyakarta.
9. Classroom rules of conduct
1. All students must bring utensil and the handbook every meeting.
2. Don’t be late (15 minute’s tolerance).

       L E S S O N   P L A N
SUBJECT                               : ENGLISH
LEVEL                                   : 1st   (BEGINNER)
DAY/TIME                            : Saturday, 15.00-16.00 P.M

Common/Daily Vocabulary
How to greet and thank
 To teach the students how to greet and thank.
 Handbook, picture, white board and board marker.

Daily vocabulary         : can use and respond in conversation of daily activities. 

* greeting (hello, good morning-good night, see you later)
* Thanks and the responds ( thank you very much-you’re welcome )
* Example:      1. Hi, Sir. Good morning
                        2. Thank you for coming.
                        3. See you later, Take care!

1. Approach                : Contextual learning
2. Method                   : Drilling/repetition, games, Quiz,
3. Learning Model      : hand book, and Picture card

1. Preface Activities (15 mins)
a. Apperceptions and motivation
* Tutor opens the learning with greeting and asks to students for exploring the knowledge about the greeting and thank.

b. Conditional knowledge
Students already know how to greet and thank (in a simple way)
1. Preparing
- Students are assigned by the tutor to read about how to greet and thank and bring the hand books (in every class/meeting)
2. Core activities
a. Teaching and Learning (Exploration)
Tutor explains about the language, content, meaning of how to greet and thank by oral, written or/ and visual texts
b. Coaching and Training (Elaboration)
Students do practicing on hand book on page 9
c. Advisory
d. Consultancy
Tutor asks the students about how to greet and thank orally
3. Closing activities
a. Tutor tells the summary about the result of lesson today
b. Tutor gives the quiz (2-3points)
c. Tutor gives task that related about that chapter.
E. Sources and Material

1. Introducing and Greeting People from https://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/vocabulary/people

2. Module Speaking 1, English Dept Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Mercubuana University, Yogyakarta.
3. Laptop, Picture card

F. Task
1. Technically: Written task and Oral Test
2. Instrument   : worksheet/hand book exercise
Written task   : Pupils do the exercises on page 9
Answer Keys : -
Final test : practicing how to welcome till farewell costumers smoothly.

Example of task:
                About numeral (page 15)
Answer it then practice it orally in a pair!

1: One                   2: two                   3: three                                4: four                   5:  five                                                                   6:                            7:                            8:                            9:                           10:         
20:          30:          40:         50:         60:          70:          80:          90:          100:

10.000:,                                       100.000:                        1.000.000:                   
…..Thousand                      …….Hundred…..                                …..Million                            ……....Billion


*(for practice) changeinto other various number

Example for final test:
The material is the whole lessons in usage
(Practicing how to welcome till farewell with costumer smoothly)

Selamat pagi pak, mari silahkan: Hi, good morning Sir, please welcome!
Ada yang bisa kami/saya bantu pak?: What we/i can do for you, Sir?
Yup > alright
Suka parfum yang manis, lembut, segar, tumbuhan, rempah? Which one do yo prefer from the fragrant, a sweet one, soft, fresh/citrus, or something like …. ?
Ya, tunggu sebentar ; well, wait a moment, please!
Ini dia >This is it
Berapaan nie: How much is this/
Rp. 2000/ml : It’s Rp.2000/ml
Mau botol yang gimana ? What bottle do you prefer?
Plastic apa kaca? : Plastic or glass one?
Plastic saja; The plastic one
Oke, kyak gini pak? Alright, such as this Sir?
Ini kapasitasnya ; This capacity is 100 ml
Berapaan segitu? How much is it?
Mau dibikin awet, sedeng, apa yang biasa/standard? : Do you want to make it strong, middle, or standard in its fragrant?
Awet dong! : The strong one then
Ok. Jadi bibitnya 75ml, rp.2000/ml, tambah botolnya, jadinya Rp. 160.000
Alright. The origin fragrant is 75ml, rp.2000/ml, plus the bottle,It’s 160.000
Sama apa lagi pak? Anything else Sir?
Uangya  Rp. 200.000, kembalinya Rp.40.000 :The money is Rp. 200.000, This is the return Rp.40.000
Terimakasih banyak pak, selamat berbelanja kembali : Thanks a lot for the shopping, welcome back then, Sir.
Table scoring for final test (practicing)
40 point
Confident, Correct pronunciation, and fluent
30 point
Confident, Correct pronunciation, but not fluent
20 point
Confident, many mispronounced words, and not fluent
10 point
Nervous, many mispronounced words, and not fluent