Tongue twister learning Four
1. A miss in bus, bus was rush
In Rush bush kiss miss
Miss push bush
Bush miss kiss
2. A tutor who tooted the flute
Tried to tutor, two
tooters to toot
Said the two to the tutor,
is it harder to tutor two tooters to toot?
3. Abe and babe will grab a grub from greg
Will Abe and babe grab a grub from greg?
If Abe and babe will grab a grub from greg
Where is the grug from greg abe and babe will grab?
4. Amidst the mists and coldest frosts
With barest wrists and
stoutest boasts
He thrusts his fists
against the post.
And still insists he sees
the ghosts
5. Billy button bought a buttered biscuit.
Did Billy button buy a
buttered biscuit?
If Billy button bought a
buttered biscuit
Where’s the buttered
biscuit Billy button bought?
6. Dr. Johnson and Mr. Johnson after great consideration.
Come to the conclusion
that the Indian nation
Beyond the Indian Ocean is
back in education
Because the chief
occupation is cultivation
7. How many cans can a cannibal nibble
If a cannibal can nibble
As many cans as a cannibal
can nibble
If a cannibal can nibble
8. How much myrtle would a wood turtle hurdle
If a wood turtle could
hurdle myrtle?
A wood turtle would hurdle
as much myrtle as a wood turtle could hurdle
If a wood turtle could
hurdle myrtle
9. I cannot bear to see a bear
Bear down upon a hare
When bare of hair he strips
the hare
Right there I cry, “For
10. If you understand, say understand
If you don’t understand,
say don’t understand
But if you understand and
say don’t understand
How do I understand that
you understand? Understand!
11. Luke luck likes lakes
Luke’s duck likes lakes
Duck takes licks in lakes
Luke luck likes
Luke luck takes licks in
lakes duck likes
12. Mo mi mo me send me a toe
Me me mo mi get me a mole too
Mister kister feet so
Mister kister where will I
13. Of all the felt I ever felt
I never felt a piece of
Which felt as fine as that
felt felt
When first I felt that
felt hat’s felt
14. One-one was a race horse
Two-two was one two
When one-one won one race
Two-two won one too
15. Peter piper picked a pack of pickle paper
A pick of pickle paper
peter piper picked
If Peter piper picked a
pack of pickle paper
Where’s a pack of pickle
paper Peter piper picked?
16. Silly sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheeps
The seven silly sheeps
silly sally shooed shilly-shallied south
These sheeps shouldn’t
sleep in the shack
Sheep should sleep in a
17. Swan swam over the sea
Swim, swan, swim
Swan, swam, gently
Well swan swim as we see
18. A flea and a fly in a flue
Said the fly “oh what
should we do”
Said the flea “let us fly”
Said the fly “let us flee”
So they flew through a flaw in the flue
# Tongue twister activity #
Learning Four
With letter
“ S “
ü still-steel-steal-drill-hill-till
ü Tongue
Bill still drills to drill
the steel
Till feels the real in the hill
Will Bill be pail as like the eel?
Even no sailing until the Nill
# Tongue twister activity #
Learning Four
letter “………. “
ü ………………………………………………………………………..
ü Tongue
# Tongue twister activity #
Learning Four
letter “………..“
ü …………………………………………………………………………
ü Tongue
Sea NotEbooK
Team LLC ; Pyramid Twist, corner 1, 2, and 3, Language
learning corner, 2013
Agoestyowati, Redjeki; Fun English Games and Activities
for You; Gramedia Bhuana Ilmu popular, 2010
Any comment?
Fb: ilwin El Muhammad