Wednesday, 18 March 2015

the example of text for MC, meeting program


Assalamu’alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokaatuh

Excellency Mr. .............   , the (director of..........)

Respectable Mrs...........  , the (supervisor of .....)

Honorable Mss.............    , the (chief of .............)

Unforgettable all of members of /audiences ............

Dear happy brothers and sisters,

For one thing, in the name of ALLAH, the most gracious,  the most merciful. There is no beautiful sentence to speak,  expect thank to our God ALLAH SWT. Because of his guidance and his love,  in this time being, We all can gather in attending this interesting meeting without any obstacles.

For second thing, May our Sholawat and Salam be accepted by our one messenger,  who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, namely Islam is our true religion.

Happy audience

Now I am standing in front of you all,  as Master/Mistress of ceremony,  directly I am going to read the agenda in this meeting

The first agenda is opening and to be followed by reading Basmallah together

The second agenda is reading of Holy Qur’an, it is followed by English and Indonesia translation

And some speeches by some speakers will be in the third agenda

The fourth agenda is resting

While the fifth agenda is ........

After this is being continued by announcement from (our chief of meeting and our supervisor)

And the last agenda is closing

ü  Ok, dear ladies and gentlemen                                                                                                                     Before stepping to the next agenda, Let’s open our meeting today by reading “Basmallah” together…. Thanks very much,,, may our meeting be able to run well from beginning to ending..amien

ü  Well,,, and now the second agenda is reading “Holy Qur’an”, it will be raed by Mr/Mss. ……………………………. from……………... . While Indonesia Translation by Mr./Mss. …………………………..…from ………………  and English Translation by Mr./Mss. …………………………..…from ……………… . time is yours

ü  Thank you very much, and my by reading AL-QUR’AN, we all always get success in our life. Amien          OK, brothers and sisters. The following agenda is some speeches by some speakers.                                  For the first speaker, I am going to call Mr/Mss…………………………….as.......... for Mr/Mss.......... the golden time is yours.                                         
 t    thank you very much. May your speech be useful for us, amien. Now let’s continue to the other speaker     

 For the second speaker, I am going to call Mr/Mss……………………… for Mr/Mss.......... the golden stage is yours.                                            
 thank you very much. Wauu it's a wonderful inspiration/motivation for us.

Well, happy audience                                                                                                                                                            After listening some speakers now we are going to the following agenda, that is Resting Program by ……………………, for the resting team time is yours…………………….. let’s enjoy it,,

Ok alright…
Happy brothers and sisters                                                                                                                                                     The following agenda is An Announcement from our beloved ..................    Let’s welcome to Mr/Mss................. for Mr/Mss...... . time is yours…….

Thanks very much to Mr/Mss........... for the announcement.  And now the second announcement, will be delivered by (Our Supervisor). And we do hope Mr/Mss.......... can deliver your speaking in front of us, please…….

Dear happy brothers and sisters

      Now we are in the last program, namely “Closing”. but, before closing this program, I am as the master/ mistress of ceremony, absolutely I have many mistakes during handling this program. So, please forgive me for my every single mistake……  and for closing this program, let’s read Hamdalah together..
Thank you for your nice attention to join in this meeting, May ALLAH SWT. Always bless us, amien…        and the last I say……  Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

*copied_BTC-CTC, BEC.pare

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Example of Informal Letter

Example of Informal Letter

Nologaten, 30th March

Dear Sari,

Hi….Sari, how are you? I do hope everything is well.
Hmm.. Anyway, how’s life there? Do you enjoy your activities there?
I feel really tired here because I have to do many things; I must study over time, and of course do so many assignments from lecturers. I really miss when we can laugh together, making joke and so on. I do hope next month, in my holiday, I’ll be able to meet you and our classmates from SMA 03 Bojong. I’ll come to your house first and then we visit and invite others to do gathering in our memorable place, Mbah Kerso’s angkringan, okay..! I’m looking forward to you all there and for that day to come.
love Yuli xoxx

PS: don’t tell others, it’ll be a surprised. :)

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Thesis statement: working as a dishwasher in a restaurant was my worst job

Thesis statement: working as a dishwasher in a restaurant was my worst job

The cases:            
1.Hours :
   - 10 hours
   - always change
2.Pay :   
   - minimum wage
   - no bonus
3.Working Condition :
    - heat in kitchen
    - noisy

My First Worst Job

Working is a part of life especially for those who are employees. People need to work or earning or getting benefits for their life.  Some of them work in a part-time or full-time. And I prefer to work in a part-time than full-time but in the same schedule every day. Then, when I had graduated from my high school, it meant I had to be ready to work for my bright future. At the time, I got a job as a dishwasher in quite big restaurant. It was my worst job because I got three cases which I didn’t really like on it. Those were about the hours, pay, and working condition.

                First, about the hours, commonly in the part-time duration we work eight hours but I work ten hours. You can imagine how tiring it was, because I had to work two hours more than the common shift. Besides, the hours always changed every week. Sometimes, I started working in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon. So, I didn’t get regular hours in working including my day-off because those depended on the schedule.

                Second, about the pay, I did hope for my extra work in ten-hours of my shift, I would get more in wage because I would buy something that I wanted. But, unfortunately I got a minimum wage. It was very annoying because I did worked hard and in time in working but I got the inverse which is something was not balance with I did. In addition, there was no bonus for overtime of working. I tried to do my best, working in time, but if the dirty dishes were over such as after the arty, meeting, reception or other events. I had to finish them all although I worked for overtime. But pity on me, I spent my time and my power for doing those all, there was no bonus for me at all.

                The last, about the working condition, if we hope the result of doing something is good, so we have to feel comfort about the place, view, or condition. Those were out of my expectation moreover my working condition. It was heat in kitchen. So, I had to bear as I could even though the condition was uncomfortable for me. Not only that, my work area was also so noisy. I really could not enjoy that condition. How I work well if I myself did not enjoy my work condition.
                Those all that I had ever been as a dishwasher even it was my worst job but I got many experiences from it. I do hope it is my last worst job in my life. Then, I’m ready to get experiences again in my new work place but as a distributor.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

I'm proud of human race, example of cause and effect essay

The Awesome of Human Race

In this world, human race is better even the best creatures than others in the quality and physically. Human race is not alien nor the other one but they are the creatures who have brain which can change and develop anything far to be near, from hard or difficult to be easy  one, and from very usual thing to be spectacular one including inventions for the better life. Those are such as technology aspect such as TV, internet, gadget, architecture aspect and medicine aspect. Human race can invent and develop a better option for living in this world. Consequently, people can do many things easier, faster, and more efficiency of time. Thus, I am really proud of human race. Here are some aspects of invention effect for a better life.

First, it’s about technology which changes the way of human communication. Before inventing an internet, FB, What’s up, BBM, Gmail and others, people need much more time and fee to meet each other in their long distance. We can imagine someone who lives in Sulawesi while their family is in Aceh, they need to talk one another. How come they can communicate in a few minutes? But, by inventing HP/gadget, people can do that easily. Besides, the invention of technology in transportation is also helpful for such problem above, the distance of Sulawesi-Aceh, we can pass them in a few minute by airplane. As a consequence, people neither need to waste their time for the journey nor more money to be able to meet their family, friends, or colleagues regularly. What a wonderful inventions are!

Second, it’s about architecture of human race. They can make various models of houses, apartments, even resorts. They build those kinds of buildings in lack of places but those still look very beautiful with their views, shape and size such as buildings in a hill, beach, or forest. In addition, human race can also make or build a unique thing as icon of every special place in every country. As we know the wonderful one of tower is Eiffel tower, in France, or Pisa tower, in Italy. Those are as the icon of their country. In Indonesia, we also have the unique one even the greatest one in the world, Borobudur temple, which includes one of seven wonder in the world. And those human architectures are very artistic and not doubted again about their prettiness.    

The last, it’s about the invention in social health, medicine and medical equipment, which are safer and faster in suffering. The medicine inventions are such as green tea for HIV, mangos teen’s skin for cancer and others. Those are packed in a simple and practical place, so that it’s easy to bring anywhere and they are valuable in many drugstores. The medical equipments are such as infrared, x-ray, and any surgery equipment. Those all do not make people really worry about their health. They can check if they feel something wrong with their body even their organ, then they can consume conventional medicine or the herb one for their better health.
           Hence, three main inventions above, technology, architecture, and social health, are very meaningful for continuing of human race to a better and modern lifestyle. And absolutely, human race will keep inventing another great thing which helps people to be better in living in this world. But we have to realize too that although the invention are very beneficial for human race, those have also a big negative effect for human race depending on what and how we treat them as good things for us, human race. Thus, we have to care of the goodness and reduce the bad intention of the invention for damaging human race.