Thursday, 30 April 2015

some Songs for Fun and compactness #part 2.

Songs for Fun
#part two

Title: “Old McDonald
            Old McDonald had a farm…. I-A-I-A-OO
            And in that farm He had some duck*… I-A-I-A-OO
            With the queck…..queck…. here, queck….queck..there
            Everywhere queck,,,,queck,,,, #repeat and change with other animas*l
                        Cow… mooo-mooo… etc

Title: “What’s your hobby?
            What is your hobby…2x
            Come on please tell me…
            I like …………..(cycling), ETC
            I’m very happy…….
(can be in introduction)… what is your name…?? I’m…
                                    How are you today…2x? I’m very happy(etc).
         Ayam jantan cock
Ayam betina hen
Rabit kelinci
Bird burung
Duck bebek
Camel unta
Spider laba-laba
Swan angsa
Horse kuda
Happy..happy, here we are

            One = O-N-E
            Two =T-W-O
            Three =T-H-R-E-E
            Four =F-O-U-R
            Five =F-I-V-E
            Six =S-I-X
            Seven =S-E-V-E-N
            Eight =E-I-G-H-T
            Nine =N-I-N-E
            Ten =T-E-N
            Yes now I understand, spell 1 to 10

            ORANGE =O-R-A-N-G-E
            APPLE     =A-P-P-L-E
            MANGO   =M-A-N-G-O
            MELON   =M-E-L-O-N
            GRAPES =G-R-A-P-E-S
            Now I can spell correctly

)*Source: Pare and Bekasi development (LLC), in experiences

some songs for fun and compactness.

songs for fun 
#part one
Title: “ Wiryang
            Wiryang community….
            Wirwiryang wir wiryang ..
            Dum dum Cakk dum cakk…
            Cik-kicik-kicik …..bumm-bum-bumm..
            Dum cak- dum cak,,,yeeee..!!!

Title: “Banana
            Banana community!
            Open banana…….open banana,,
            Cut banana…cut-cut banana..
            Eat banana, eat-eat banana….

Title: “Water melon
            Water melon-water melon….
            Banana-banana….tomato ,,,,, tomato
(indo version)  semangka…papaya
                        Pisang-pisang pisang….toomat2x

Title: “Head n shoulder
            Head and shoulder chick and chin…chick and chin 2x
            Head and shoulder chick and chin…chick and chin 2x
            Eyes ears mouth nose…          )*Repeat it faster and faster

Title: “If you’re really…
            If you’re really2 happy clap your hand!!...prak..prak…2x
            If you’re really2 happy  say Horreyyy!!...,horrey…2x
            If you’re really2 happy  say OK!!.......OKK…2x
            If you’re really2 happy DO them all…….
            Prakk..prakk, horrey….,okk!

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

yell-yell in English #p.2



#part 2

Title: “You What You Think”
# 1……2……….3…          >COME ON EVERYBODY
I know  I can do it      > I know  I can do it 
You can if you think…
             I CAN
You’re strong if you think…
            I’M STRONG
(reff).Everybody please say..!
       .YES, I CAN           3X.

                 Title: “ShOw  5 intl’s yELliNg

# ~~ ~ we are 5 intl…… “we are 5 intl ! “
        Attention ! : yes sir..! 3x
 1..2…3… go {prakk} : wake up 3x,,, everybody wake up !
                                          wake up 3x,,, everybody wake up, Ooii…
                           ready! : boom2 waka2 boom2 packk…!
                                        : boom2 waka2 boom2 bezz…       

{Motto}          5 international……!! :      Spirit To Win
                                                           Dust…dust…., Hmm…..

{repeatation}   # we are 5 intl
                       Never give up, being excellent
                      We always struggle
                      To study,   BETTER and BETTER…!
                     *ka-raka2,,,,, li-ali2……     to-dito2,,,,,bi-hasbi….
                      We are 5 intl…………… “we are 5 intl!”
                                                                                      Keep fighting……!!

Title: “Keep 2 A ’s yelling

#~~ ~  2nd A : yes 2nd A
    Attention ! : ready happ……
        Greeting ! :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
                   2A  ; YESS…… 2A
                   Amazing class : YES, THIS IS CLASS
                    Amazing class : YES, THIS OUR CLASS
                   Amazing class : YES, OF COURSE YES

{motto}         AMAZING CLASS…………..!!  : YES, ALWAYS  BE  AMAZING
                                                               Zing-zing….2x    yes……yes…..!
                                                                                   Allahu akbar
        Hu-lala-la ; Amazing is the best
        Hu-lala-la : Ready to be the best
        Hu-lala-la : Be no.1,,, no1,,, no1,,, yes-yes !

{motto}         AMAZING CLASS…………..!!  : YES, ALWAYS  BE  AMAZING
                                                                Zing-zing….2x    yes……yes…..!
                                                                                   Allahu akbar

         #~~ hu-lala-la,,, HULA… 3X LA

                                                                                                Be Amazing !
                                   Get 6d ‘s yelling                    

#~~ ~ jumpale..3x     oii 2x
            Jumpale..3x     dem 2x
                      Attention ! :
                     Greeting ! : …………….
        {motto}   6 dilligent :   Do harder
                                              Be better

We are students 6d GN
                   DILLIGENT class
We are ready study seriously
                   DILLIGENT class
Happy2, ready2, study2
                   DILLIGENT class
We are always…..
                  DILLIGENT class
                             # miou…………..

                                                Do your  Best !!

Source: Pare and Bekasi development, in experiences