Wednesday, 1 April 2015

example of text of speech, Untapped Source Food of Cassava

Untapped Source Food of Cassava

Assalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.
 Alhamdulillahi robbil 'alamin, wassolatu wassalamu 'ala sayyidil mursalin wa'ala 'alaih wa ashabihi ajma'in.
Unforgettable all of my loved friends who love me

Here, standing in front of you all, I’m going to deliver my idea about “Untapped Source Food of Cassava
Anyone knows “Cassava?” Absolutely, it’s yes. “Cassava” is very familiar plant around us but who knows it can be as substitute food of rice and corn. Why? Because it has a great benefit besides rice and corn. We can make Cassava chips for having meal or its flavor for various processed food.

             Well, ladies and gentlemen

Indonesia as a tropical country, its fertile land is very suitable for growing many kinds of plants and cassavas especially sweet potato. Sweet potato is a kind of cassava which has big benefit as a staple food as like rice and corn. But, in point of fact, sweet potato in Indonesia is not as equivalent as food commodity of rice and corn, and it is considered to be the low staple food in Indonesia. Whereas, economic and social potential of sweet potato is very high and good as a substitute food of rice and corn. Here, I will discuss the benefits of sweet potato in three main points which has a big potential as a staple food.

First, about the kind and taste of sweet potato, is that sweet potato has some varieties such as yellow, white, and purple color. Those become a tractive power for the lover of its color. And the taste is not doubted again because they are very luscious.  There are two kinds of taste; sweet and savory, depending what we want to choose.

Alright, happy ladies and gentlemen
Second, sweet potato is one of durable food and if we save them in a good place, they can be defensive around seven days. One of region in Indonesia has unusual size of sweet potato from Baliem-Jayawijaya, Papua. It is different from other regions in Indonesia because its size is very big, the giant one. The length can be 2 meters with 30 cm diameter, and the weight is about 15 kg (Taken from

Well, happy audience,
The last, the harvest of sweet potato with a short age is 3 - 3.5 months and the long age is 4.5 - 5 months (Taken from Thus, planting sweet potato doesn’t need very long age for harvesting, and it will be an efficient staple of food in stocking. Besides, sweet potato can reduce some risk of diseases as stated at “Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like sweet potatoes decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality while promoting a healthy complexion, increased energy, and overall lower weight.” It is because sweet potato contains good nutrients: vitamin, mineral, iron, and source of magnesium and potassium. In addition, sweet potato can be dished out to many varieties of food such as fried, boiled, and roasted sweet potato, kolak (Javanese, a traditional compote), gethuk (Javanese, sweet steamed loaf of pounded cassava) crispy chips and made into flour that is used as a main ingredient in making cake and bakery.

In conclusion, Java sweet potato, the untapped source of food, actually has much nutrients and calories which are beneficial for human’s health. Its raw leaves and stalk can be used for littering down such as rabbits and goats. Thus, I suggest not to value Java sweet potato as a low staple food which is actually equivalent food to rice and corn. Java sweet potato is totally great to be made as staple food as same as rice and corn.
Well ladies and gentlemen,
                That’s all that I can share about “Cassava”. I’m sure after knowing the great benefit of Cassava, we can value something best not just as usual other thing. Remember! Cassavas are good for us.
“Just ride your bike from the east to the west, something that I can say; Cassava is the best”
The last I say “wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.”

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